
Post 6

  How Can Your Major Make the World a Better Santa Julia Site (Chile) Hello everyone! today I will talk about how my career can impact the world in a positive way. First of all I study Anthropology/Archaeology and the next year of university I will decide the minor, I still don't know if I will follow archaeology or physical anthropology. For example, in the case of choosing archaeology, I really like that through this career, you can expand the knowledge that you have of a place, culture or people. Although in many cases there will always be questions to be answered and we will probably never know the answer. It is difficult to know how I see myself because I consider myself an indecisive person, but I plan to try to give the best of me and learn many things, it is complex as there are courses that I like very much and others that I understand very little.But that's the interesting thing about careers with minor, to go to what you like. I think that archaeology has benefited a

Post 5

 A Photo and Its Story She is Diana and she was my brother's pet and she was part of the family since 2007, her breed was Labrador retriever and in this picture she had just arrived home. This picture means a lot to me because at that time I was 10 years old and she was the first small pet I met, as the other pets were older. I loved her very much because the coolest thing about this breed is that they are very playful and affectionate from small to big.  The funniest thing was the clothes and accessories she had on her head, from what my brother told me, Diana arrived when my brother's girlfriend wanted to have children, but he still didn't want to. So they decided to have a pet, I have always believed that Diana was the happiest until she died, in 2018 she started to have health problems at first we didn't know the reason until we knew she had cancer, in the end she died in the veterinary clinic because her heart failed.  It is something that saddens me but I like to

Post 4

 My favorite food? This might be a difficult question because I love food, as there are so many foods and meals. To be honest  since my childhood I love chocolate and I wouldn't change It for anything. Chocolate mainly consist of roasted cocoa beans, which is mixed with sugar and other ingredients depending on the type of chocolate. For example, there is bitter chocolate, sweet chocolate, pink chocolate, milk chocolate, chocolate for vegetarians, etc. To make chocolate, the seed must be fermented, then baked to dry them, then roasted and when they are ready, the shells are removed and finally they are ground to form a paste. I think that I love this food because It is so simple and delicious at the same time, and there are so many varieties and types.  I always hear that good quality chocolate is the best for your health, for example It improves your mood, contains antioxidants, helps your brain function and gives you energy. There is also chocolate with a lot of fat which is not h

Post 3

  My favorite piece of technology? It's definitely the smartphone because It's a very complete technological object, whichcan be used to communicate with others, to entertain, to work and to be distracted. In general, I use my smartphone to watch  movies and series, to communicate with my friend and family. I'm always checking my emails, sometimes I buy things on the internet. In my opinion, I'm constantly on my smartphone and It's because I use It more as a tool than as a simple object. Personally, I feet that the smartphone can become a bad thing because not all people control themselves with the time they use this technological object and I include myself, so I say that It is a very good tool, but you have to be careful with the time you spend on it. Therefore, It would be difficult for me not to have my smartphone.

Post 2

 Why did you choose this career/study programme? The thuth is that I don't remember dreaming about a job when I was a child and I was just playing with my classmates and friends.  At the high school, I started to like mathematics, science and history, then I was going to study obstetrics but I started studying gastronomy and finished my technical career in 2019. This year, I started to study anthropology as my second career and choosing It was difficult because I liked many others. In the end I was between sociology, political science and anthropoly so I chose the career that I would't have to spend my whole life working in an office. To be honest, my experience has been good because I have met a lot of people, but the online classes have been horrible because I feel that you don't learn like in normal classes. I would like to work outside the country, but I still can't imagine working in something specific.

Post 1

 Post 1: My autobiography - who am I? I am Sebastian Contreras and I was born in Santiago on October 15, 1998. At elementary school, I studied until 4th grade at Colegio General San Martín in Maipú and I finished my elemetary school education at Colegio Alicante del Rosal in Maipú. Later, I completed my high school education at the same school. I studied gastronomy technician at Duoc UC, but I didn't feel satisfied. Even though, I worked for three months as a bartender. Then, I prepared to take the PSU again and I had good score to get into anthropology at Universidad de Chile.  Currently, I am living in Maipú with my sister's family since 2009 also I have two brothers. My hobbies is watching series and anime, also I like to run too I used to be an athlete a few years ago.