Post 6

 How Can Your Major Make the World a Better

Santa Julia Site (Chile)

Hello everyone! today I will talk about how my career can impact the world in a positive way.

First of all I study Anthropology/Archaeology and the next year of university I will decide the minor, I still don't know if I will follow archaeology or physical anthropology. For example, in the case of choosing archaeology, I really like that through this career, you can expand the knowledge that you have of a place, culture or people. Although in many cases there will always be questions to be answered and we will probably never know the answer.

It is difficult to know how I see myself because I consider myself an indecisive person, but I plan to try to give the best of me and learn many things, it is complex as there are courses that I like very much and others that I understand very little.But that's the interesting thing about careers with minor, to go to what you like.

I think that archaeology has benefited a lot in knowing the past, and teaching that the great discoveries did not begin in the 20th century. I also like the fact that it is not a common career, and that it shows that not only doctors, lawyers or engineers are needed. I hope they give it the importance it deserves in this country and also to the other minor along with other careers.


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